A Song of Praise for the Appearance of the Báb

O My Beloved, O Solace of the Eyes, I heard about Your arrival in the city of Tá.
From the west, (Your) spirit visits me and refreshes me with the breezes of Amá

O my God, O my God

O Ahmad, by Your exalted essence,
by Your ancient self, which is Muhammad,

Then by `A’lá, the One who is exalted,
the Ancient Majesty, the Glorious Grandeur,

behold me, O Venerable One, by Your divine benevolence!
Fashion me like unto that which You alone can attain,

glorified from the sumptuous banquet
to the loftiest unattainable summit!

O Master, there is no one in existence except You.
The rest of us lie scattered upon the earth, trapped in our vain imaginings.

You are the One with sublime splendor—single and peerless!
Words fail to allude to Your station nor do You beget one like You.

Because You are merciful, You should rescue
the deviantones fallen to the ground, prostrate on the dark earth.

The (Savior) must be immaculate, exalted beyond (mere) justice and benevolence.
His station must transcend the allusions of words or the constraints of place.

O My God, the paradisiacal Point has become manifest!
His station is the precursor of the Most Holy Face.

He is (the glorious One) in the station of paradise!
“Indeed it is He! He is God!” is again made manifest!

Pour forth from the cup the celestial verities
into the mouth of this fallen one in the land of remoteness

so that she can become relievedof affliction and strife
and can ascend to the station at the summit of grandeur.

God the Judge, the Ancient Majesty,
He who assumes a different station with every passing moment,

He will bring into creation whatsoever He desires!
As it is said: When He commands something to be, then, lo, it has been.

O Thou, the one true God, the Highest, the Supreme,
exalted at the banquet of grandeur,

glorified with a glory that has no beginning,
You bring into being whatsoever you want to manifest.

The Beauteous, the Living, the (Bountiful) Lord,
The Ancient, Eternal, and Glorified God,

for You there is no precedent, no peer, or likeness!
Make me taste from (the cup of) Your consoling water.

I swear by Your truth that my heart beholds none other than You!
O my God, my heart yearns for none other than You.

It utters naught but the mention of your magnificence!
It treads no path but the path of reunion with You!

O Venerable, Vital, Mighty, Most Mighty One!
O Incomparable, Assisting, Ever-assisting Friend!

O Source, O Creator, O Greater Creator, O Most Great Creator!
O Apparent One, O Manifest One, O Most Great Revealer,

through your boundless grace, behold Tá’s labored steps
that she might become severed from whatever is not of you,

that she might arrive at the feast of the Incomparable One
and partake incessantly from the wine of lá.

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