Seven enigmatic questions about the Manifestations of God. 8 slides.
A series of graphs and illustrations demonstrating our expectations vs. reality of our challenges in personal growth. 6 slides.
Two things are needed for our part in the minor plan of God: Goals and a Plan. 66 slides.
The path towards the Most Great Peace. 34 slides.
Cover (A) the origin and progress of humankind, (B) the origin and progress of the soul during mortal life, (C)…
An introductory presentation to the main principles of the Bahá’í Faith, such as basic beliefs, Bahá’í view of the nature…
Three main concepts: Mizán (“standard” or “balance”), Qadar (“measure” or “capacity”) and the twin aspects of human purpose. 63 slides.
An updated version of the “Unveiling the Houri of Love”; objective of this presentation is to offer a synthesized or…
Three main questions covered: (1) What is the value of physical experience for essentially spiritual beings? (2) Why is there…
I cover proofs of the Prophet and my journey in investigating the teachings of Bahá’ú’állah. 69 slides.