While this work is a revision of Conversation, it is significantly improved over the first edition. I removed the final chapter, improved the narrative, and gave the book a much more viable sense of verisimilitude by having the questions raised by Hasan seem less forced so that they emerge more naturally and believably.
Of course, like almost any work of fiction, there is always room for improvement, but I feel now that this sequel and companion piece to Ali’s Dream have been through enough revisions and are sufficiently time-tested, that they fulfill my original vision of having both a readable history of the life of Bahá’u’lláh for children and youth, and a book that covers the foundational theological and philosophical questions that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Some Answered Questions does for adults.
To my delight, both books have been published as companion works with similar designs by the Bahá’í Publishing Trust of the United States, Ali’s Dream in 2014 and Healing Hasan’s Heart in 2015, both still viable some fifty years after my original proposal to the Publishing Committee of the Bahá’í Publishing Trust.